Plan miasta Botusel

Botusel - Najnowsze wiadomości:

people who've never been outside the country

a lot of guesthouses, pensions, and hotels have been built by people who have never been outside of romania. they simply don't understand that two non-related foreigners traveling together don't want to share a double bed or ... this is just some background to put the below photos into perspective. these are taken at the forester's guesthouse we stay at in botusel. it's a lovely location and the guesthouse is actually quite nice. they did a pretty good job ...
źródło: BlogSearch

People Who've Never Been Outside the Country

A lot of guesthouses, pensions, and hotels have been built by people who have never been outside of Romania. They simply don't understand that two non-related foreigners traveling together don't want to share a double bed or ...
źródło: BlogSearch

People Who've Never Been Outside the Country

A lot of guesthouses, pensions, and hotels have been built by people who have never been outside of Romania. They simply don't understand that two non-related foreigners traveling together don't want to share a double bed or ...
źródło: BlogSearch
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